An undertaking of reaching out to our Brother's and Sister's here and abroad.
Centurion Partnerships
"What we have together is so much more than the fellowship of everyday life. We have Christian fellowship, by which we share, support, and pray for one another in Christ. We are together in Christian solidarity and service. This greater fellowship is such that in Malawi my brothers, sisters, and I truly know that we are not alone in our service of the Lord, but sharing in Christian fellowship with you who also share in the service of the Lord here."
Bishop Boyle, Previous Bishop of Northern Malawi
Bishop Magangani and Fr. Kamenya communicate their message of Christian solidarity and service in this video. It provides a real glimpse in the power of prayer as it carries the Priest's in this diocese to face and overcome the challenges of serving their communities.
The mission of the Water Sanitation and Hygiene project in the Diocese is to eliminate water borne illness in the villages by providing clean, safe drinking water through Bio sand filters.
Our services provide training on the construction and maintenance of the Bio sand water filter as well as on techniques of proper sanitation and hygiene.
Project Objective
The project is designed to create construction and training site to produce and deliver bio sand water filters to serve villages in need of clean, safe drinking water.
To provide training to individuals with Community Health Promoters who teach people from their villages proper sanitation and hygiene practices. To monitor and evaluate each filter to ensure proper functioning and usage.
Teach people in their villages proper sanitation and hygiene practices especially to old ones.
Project Summary
Water sanitation and hygiene project provides clean water for villages.
The program focus is to identify and utilize resources for clean water in the community in order to eliminate water borne illness among families in target areas. The project performs the following:
a) The project have their training centers for the production of bio sand filters.
b) Provide training on obtaining clean water and proper sanitation.
Our services to provide material to construct the filters, train people, installation and distribute the filters to the target areas and train villagers on the proper use.
Project Details
The program turned into fully operating area to improve health and alleviate suffering due to water borne illnesses.
The Anglican Diocese of Northern Malawi with its project of Water Sanitation and Hygiene operates as a nonprofit program. It serves the villagers in the Northern part of Malawi who do not have access to clean drinking water. It is currently implemented in the area of village headman Chiwowa in NKhata Bay District as a pilot project.
The goal of the Anglican Diocese Water Sanitation and Hygiene is to improve health and alleviate suffering due to water borne illnesses by providing clean, safe drinking water to families especially vulnerable children. It is said that we lose about 40,000 children per day across the continent due to waterborne disease which is close to 20 plane crashes. However their story is not being highlighted because they are children.
Our Extension officer Esau-with the households during the installation of Bio sand water filter in Chiwowa Chisala Nkhata bay District which is our target area.
The method of achieving the goal of providing clean water is to train villagers on proper sanitation and hygiene and on the construction of Bio sand water filters. Our services include providing materials to construct the filters, train people on the construction of the filters, distribute the filters to the target areas, train villagers on the proper use and maintenance of the filter and monitor and evaluate the usage and effectiveness of the filters.
Esau and William are busy telling people about proper sanitation to save children’s lives through providing a basic necessity of life.
Our client base is villagers who have access to water but water that is contaminated due to pathogens. More than half of those served by the program are children under 5 years of age.
Water Sanitation and Hygiene project is an important program for the villagers because it can eliminate water borne illness and provide a most important resource, clean water. Our service improves the ability of families to care for children and achieve goals of self sufficiency. The cost to provide a filter to family is a small investment in comparison to cost of illness in terms of health and economic issues. The program serves children’s lives through providing a basic necessity of life. With $10 you can provide safe water to more than 10 families of about 6 people each.
Esau-showing operation of the filter to the villagers and teaching them how they will be using the filters.
Nellie-doing the same job as Esau does to the villagers at Chiwowa Chisala area in Nkhata bay District.
The villages are happy with a Bio sand water filter in their houses and they are promising to drink clean water from the filters.
Compiled by : Esau Njiramu.
Diocesan Coordinator water sanitation and hygiene.(Bio sand water filters)
Health Delivery Services - Hospital and Remote
We thank God for the safe delivery of the shipment of medical supply coming with love and blessing from the people of St. Lawrence in the Diocese of Fort Worth and Mother Miriam from the Community of the Sisters of St. Mary.
The next container will arrive in the next few days. We are very grateful. This is how partnership mean. It is in this that we realize the umunthu concept, “we are because you are.
We thank God for the team going for a medical mission to Mfula. We are looking forward to see how the day one will end.
Nurses in the wards during shift change discussing patients in preparation of handing over their care.
Printing Press Project
In 2019 the portion of building construction for the Printing Press was completed and a new Printing Press delivered and installed.
New Printing Press Building
So far we have completed the printing side and have it’s machine installed. We are now remaining with the side of offices. In God We Trust.
But this God we serve is a wonder working God. When we thought he that he has done too much for us oh Our God has done it again. We have witnessed another testimony today with the arrival of the first delivery of the printing press all the way from South Africa. They say this is just half of it. Thanks to Christ the Redeemer Church in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
New Printing Press Installed
There is progress in the production of prayer books.
In the beginning... The Bishop converted his conference room into a printing operation to produce needed materials. Much of the process is manual with many needed hands involved. The printed word is received with joy and gladness. God's work made possible through the use of reading material.
We are using what is in our hands such that even a bottle can be used for pressing the book.
Staff and volunteers are busy in the printing workshop sorting papers.
Members representing the Mothers Union and Sunday School are helping in the print workshop.
HIV/AIDS Programs
The Anglican Diocese of Northern Malawi (DNM) engaged herself in the extensive implementation of HIV and AIDS activities in 2008 along with her sister Dioceses of Lake Malawi, Upper Shire and Southern Malawi inclusively known as Anglican Council in Malawi.
DNM covers all the districts (6) in the Northern Region of Malawi which have 20 Ecclesiastical parishes five of them are in Likoma and Chizumulu Islands, while Usisya is nicknamed as a semi Island parish since it is surrounded mainly by lake Malawi and the other part it is surrounded by mountains which make it very difficult to reach especially during rainy season!
The major pillars which are tools used to fight the spread of HIV include: Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support. The pillars are better implemented through capacity building .Initially we have trained Palliative Home Based Care Service Providers (almost 5 in each of the then 19 parishes). Most of the trained volunteers are HIV+ people to show ownership of the program. All the Clergy were also trained in Palliative Home Based Care and Pastoral counseling.
Bishop Fanuel encouraging DNM clergy to take HIV and AIDS issues with seriousness.
DNM clergy attentively listening to Bishop Fanuel’s HIV and AIDS opening speech.
Bishop Fanuel opening a volunteer Palliative Home Based Care Service providers course.
Bishop Fanuel with Palliative Home Based Care Providers after refresher training course. Almost all these volunteers are HIV+.
In order to properly manage HIV+ people, we encourage them to form Support Groups. So far we have 22 Support Groups in all the 20 parishes with an average enrollment of over 40 in each S/G. In total, we have over 880 register HIV+ people. The number changes time and again due to deaths and new enrollments.
In the S/G, the clients are taught Positive Living Tips such as ways of fighting Stigma, Discrimination, Denial, Shame, In-Action and Miss-Action; Self reliance etc.
Pond fish farming.
Vegetable production.
Maize and banana production.
With some financial support from National Aids Commission, the Diocese was able to receive First Aid kits from ACM which were distributed to all S/G.
First Aid kit distribution at St. George-Nkhata/Bay.
First Aid kit distribution at Usisya parish.
Some issues met during Parish HIV and AIDS Supervision visits are challenges in the availability of health facilities and water hygiene which affect people to be suffering in their homes due to lack of resources to enable them to go to hospitals. Lack of clean water is yet another challenge met and people have no choice other than drinking water from unprotected sources.
A young mother at Kabwafu (L) with her twin sons born prematurely at Ekwenden i Mission Hospital, they are almost a year old. The one on the mother’s lap has so many challenges as opposed to the one on the ground but they both are under nourished. The one on the mother’s lap can’t move any of his parts except his mouth when sucking while the other is now clawing!
A well at Kabwafu which is the only source of drinking water . These people are at risk of water born diseases, they have no choice, but to draw and drink!
HIV and AIDS has affected so many people in so many ways. Gogo Goddes Nyirenda of Usisya (not an Anglican) is one of such persons who are badly affected by effects of HIV and AIDS. She has lost all her seven children to HIV and AIDS who were bread winners and her tiny old broken house is more of an orphanage than a living house due to the large number of orphans left behind by her late sons and daughters!
Gogo Goddes Nyirenda standing along with Mrs M. Chiutula - ACM Volunteer.
She has a bent back as you can see her! Seated are some of the twelve orphans. Her major challenges include lack of proper shelter (as shown by a volunteer’s hand, that’s the only grass that she can manage to gather for thatching the house), food, clothing, sleeping mats just to mention a few. Thank the DNM HIV Desk for the donation of 36 twelve feet iron sheets which were donated by well wishers, the orphans contribution of burnt bricks and the Usisya Support Group for the construction of a strong and big house! The only challenge is how to raise funds for the purchase of planks for roofing and cement for plastering, flooring, door and window frames, doors(5) and window panes(20 of 10” x 12”).
Gogo Nyirenda ‘s new house in a collapsing state.
Gogo’s old house and worrying about the state of the new house which was falling as a result of unfinished roofing, plastering, flooring etc...
Gogo Nyirenda with some of her grand children
Gogo’s new house, service providers and some great grand children
Martin in a blue short sleeved shirt holding his fishing line and the fish he caught that day while the service providers and his friends admire the fish he caught!
Martin, 13 was born HIV+ from an HIV+ mother and from an irresponsible father. He is in STD 3 at Chiteko F.P.School on Chizumulu Island. He is a very strong member of his Support Group. Due to lack of resources to enable him and his mother to buy food, Martin goes to school with empty stomach. This affects his education a lot and most of the time he knocks off earlier than school schedule because he feels tired and severe headache. As soon as he reaches home, he goes straight to the lake to do off shore fishing with his fishing line to find relish for his daily meal!
For any work to be measured to be effective there is need for supervision, monitoring and evaluation hence the HIV and AIDS department is limited in this area. MV Ilala has been the only reliable means of transport to reach Likoma, Chizumulu and Usisya for supervision, monitoring and evaluation. But since the servicing process which the ship is undergoing since June last year, going to the above places for supervision and the like is really now at risk traveling in small and over loading boats on this rough deep lake is indeed a challenge!
Boats being used to travel to and from Likoma, Chizumulu and Usisya.
In spite of all the challenges, the Diocesan HIV and AIDS Desk through the leadership of its Bishop Rt. Rev. Fanuel Magangani with or without reliable resources will tirelessly support all the infected and affected with the HIV and AIDS pandemic and to reduce new HIV infections.
By Henry J. Mankhokwe-HIV and AIDS Coordinator
Food Security
Our team is distributing relief maize for flood victims in Karonga North.
Guest House
Bishop Magangani saw a need and opportunity for a guest house. The Bishop's house located next to the diocesan office was offered up and converted to a guest house.
Guest House with members of Diocesan Staff.
We give thanks to God for the Diocesan Child Protection Policy Commission who are meeting at the Diocesan Guest House. Let the children know that we have their big brother in the Diocese for their protection. Isaiah 65;17-25.